Sophia Hawes-Tingey, Candidate
phone: 801/440-0584
email: s[email protected]
Rhett Wilkinson, Communications Director, Sophia Hawes-Tingey Campaign
phone: 801/603-6004
email: [email protected]
The Revolution Continues with a Focus on Community
The race for mayor of Midvale is coming up in 2017. It is with our pleasure and excitement to announce that Sophia Hawes-Tingey will seek the office of Mayor for Midvale City. Please join us for a press conference on Saturday, November 19 at 2:00 pm, 7530 S Main St, Midvale, UT 84047-7104 to join the conversation with Sophia Hawes-Tingey about her vision for the city of Midvale and its residents.
Sophia is the Vice Chair of the Community Council in Midvale, the Coordinator of the Midvale Precinct Community Watch program, a Navy veteran, and Director of the Judiciary Committee for the Women's State Legislative Council of Utah. She brings these and other experiences with a desire to serve her community into this race.
“What I love most about Midvale is that the people are diverse, welcoming and fiercely protective of their community. I see myself as a leader who puts community first, listens to the needs of community, and cares to put those needs into action.” - Sophia Hawes-Tingey
Sophia Hawes-Tingey was a National Delegate to the Democratic National Convention representing Congressional District 4, pledged to Senator Bernie Sanders and previously ran for Midvale City Council. To find out more about Sophia, please visit her website at